Thursday 12 August 2010

Blustery bluster

Oops I skipped a day! Actually I really had nothing to say yesterday, it was all essay essay essay!

Last night I met my gorgeous friends Emily Mears and Emma Seamark in a lovely country pub, and we chatted endlessly, ate bar snacks and put the world to rights! The pub was heaving, which was good to see, we're supposedly in a recession you know. I made my contribution to the local economy by having a tomato juice, which the girls thought was utterly disgusting but it really is gorgeous!

Today has been another of those weird autumnal ones, where you think the leaves will fall off the trees any day soon and the wind is biting. I've been working on my essay most of the day, and wondering whether I will ever crack it. This afternoon I totally gave up and went on a blustery but satisfying walk. I'm now looking forward to a roast chicken. Yummy!

Why do I always end my blogs on a culinary note??

Tuesday 10 August 2010

That time before supper

Now seems like the optimum time to blog. It's the time when supper can't come quickly enough, and with at least twenty minutes until kick off I will no doubt launch myself at the nuts if I don't keep busy!

Today has been one of those thoroughly dull days: I'm trying to remind myself that it's less than 3 weeks before I start my PGCE and I must appreciate ALL spare time as for the next year I will doubtless have NONE. Nevertheless the chores I have done have been boring boring boring. I started a pre-course assignment that involves reading hundreds of pages of reports before writing 2,000 words on the National Curriculum. HMM... Wordcount so far = zero. I have also finally finished unpacking my university life back into my relatively small bedroom!

It's a strange feeling to finally have all my belongings back in one place, where they belong I suppose. I really am home now, and as much as that's fantastic, it's also sad. My three years of fun, frolics and freedom in Bournemouth are definitely over. On the bright side i'm back with mum and pops and Jack and the beautiful countryside.

I battled with the enormous hill behind our house this afternoon and although it was exhausting, 40 minutes later I feel fabulous and totally not guilty for eating two brownies earlier! Mezzin huh?

Very excited for tomorrow, I am having drinks with some of my very best friends in a pub with comfy sofas. Brill.

Monday 9 August 2010

How time passes...

As you may know it has been a long time since I last put fingers to keyboard and mused about my life. You may be asking why I am writing now, or perhaps you are frustrated at the lack of commitment and will therefore refuse to read out of principle. There is however a clear reasoning for my desire to blog again and that is Julie and Julia; A sugar-coated, charming film about two women passionate about food and writing, perfect for the rainy monday evening that is battling against my bedroom window.

I had a fun, busy weekend spent with my boyfriend and many friends and family, but this evening arrived and I was alone. The rain has been pressing against the glass all day, and although I made it outside for my favourite woodland walk, I have spend most of the day in the confines of the house. I baked bread, and made brownies and enjoyed my Mama's insanely good butternut squash soup for lunch. All in all delicious.

It's only ten to ten and it's dark outside, I suppose that's a sign that autumn is on it's way. Perhaps that's a depressing thought, maybe, but I am a girl of the seasons. I love the excitement and newness of the first buds in spring, and that day when you can finally go without socks, or the first chill of autumn when you know you can soon put on a pair of tights that flatter your legs, and seemingly make the miniskirt once again acceptable!

Today there has been that chill in the air, and I have been homemaking, movie-watching and blogging, and overall it has been thoroughly satisfying.

Cheers to that.